Welcome to the digital archive for Taylor Community Library in Taylor, MI. Our community has a rich history which we hope to document and preserve through this site.
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Board Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes are traditionally transcribed by the Library Board Secretary during all Library Board meetings and approved at the following meeting…
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National Library Observance program 1984

Printed program for the observance of National Library Week, April 8-14, 1984. Time given is 7:00 pm to 7:30 pm for registration, 7:30 pm for program…
Richard J. Trolley Branch dedication program, October 1968

Program for the dedication of the Richard J. Trolley Branch of the Taylor Public Library, October 13, 1968. Front contains event title and a grey…
American Foundation for the Blind talking book catalogue

List of American Foundation for the Blind talking book catalogue with catalogue numbers. Used used by the Books for the Adult Blind project to list…